Wombats Too: Main Approach
Budget: $6,000
Client Brief: Paint Trompe Lâoeil sandstone on shopfront display boxes, and a Wombat painting on entrance door.
Description: Bush sandstone can still be found at Sydneyâs Darling Harbour; not to mention an oversized wombat.
Trompe Lâoeil has great commercial applications and enhances visibility, as seen in this Sydney shopfront. Here, a two metre painted wombat fronts faux sandstone boulders to provide the setting for a host of their small furry creatures.
Client Brief: Paint Trompe Lâoeil sandstone on shopfront display boxes, and a Wombat painting on entrance door.
Description: Bush sandstone can still be found at Sydneyâs Darling Harbour; not to mention an oversized wombat.
Trompe Lâoeil has great commercial applications and enhances visibility, as seen in this Sydney shopfront. Here, a two metre painted wombat fronts faux sandstone boulders to provide the setting for a host of their small furry creatures.